Friday, October 26, 2012

The British Impact on Indian Industry

The British Impact on Indian Industry

Before reading the Article Please See the Chart India Since 1 AD Till 1870 was either 1st or Second in share of World GDP,The British Rule totally destroyed Indian Industry,Its Culture and above all confidense of Indians,We are use to of reading & appreciating Communist & European version of Indian Stories (Which basically are meant for defaming Ancient Indian Culture, Economics,Beleaves) Below mentioned Details is a beautiful & True statistic's  view of Mr A.Maddisson.The details & Views are pulled from his Great Report submitted to & published by OECD

Share of World GDP, 20 Countries and Regional Totals, 1-2001 AD
                                                             (per cent of world total)

  (AD)    1     1000     1500     1600     1700     1820     1870     1913     1950     1973   2001

China  26.1   22.7      24.9      29.0       22.3      32.9     17.1       8.8         4.5       4.6     12.3

India   32.9   28.9      24.4      22.4       24.4      16.0     12.1       7.5         4.2       3.1      5.4

UK                             1.1     1.8           2.9        5.2         9.0        8.2       6.5       4.2       3.2

USA                          0.3      0.2           0.1       1.8          8.8      18.9      27.3     22.1    21.4

India had a bigger industry than any other country which became a European colony,
and was unique in being an industrial exporter in pre–colonial times. A large part of this industry was destroyed as a consequence of British rule.

Between 1757 and 1857 the British wiped out the Moghul court, and eliminated three–quarters of the aristocracy (except those in princely states). They also eliminated more than half of the local chieftainry (zamindars) and in their place established a bureaucracy with European tastes. The new rulers wore European clothes and shoes, drank imported beer, wines and spirits, and used European weapons. Their tastes were mimicked by the male members of the new Indian “middle class” who acted as their clerks and intermediaries. As a result of these political and social changes, about three quarters of the domestic demand for luxury handicrafts was destroyed. This was a shattering blow to manufacturers of fine muslins, jewellery, luxury clothing and footwear, decorative swords and weapons.My own guess would be that the home market for these goods was about 5 per cent of Moghul national income and the export market for textiles probably another 1.5 per cent.

The second blow came from massive imports of cheap textiles from England after the Napoleonic wars. Home spinning, which was a part–time activity of village women, was greatly reduced. Demand for village hand–loom weaving changed with a substantial switch to using factory instead of home–spun yarn.

Modern cotton mills were started in Bombay in 1851, preceding Japan by 20 years and China by 40.Production was concentrated on coarse yarns which were sold domestically and to China and Japan.Exports were half of output. India began to suffer from Japanese competition in the 1890s. Exports to Japan were practically eliminated by 1898. Shortly after, Japanese factories in China began to reduce

India’s market there. By the end of the 1930s, Indian exports of yarn to China and Japan had disappeared, piece goods exports had fallen off, and India imported both yarn and piece goods from China and Japan.

If the British had been willing to give tariff protection, India could have copied Lancashire’s textile technology more quickly. Instead British imports entered India duty free. By the 1920s when Indian textile imports were coming mainly from Japan, British policy changed. By 1934 the tariff on cotton cloth had been raised to 50 per cent with a margin of preference for British products. As a result there was a considerable substitution of local textiles for imports. In 1896 Indian mills supplied only 8 per cent of Indian cloth consumption, in 1913 20 per cent and in 1945 76 per cent. By the latter date there were no imports of piece goods.

Modern jute manufacturing started in 1854 and the industry expanded rapidly in the vicinity of Calcutta. It was largely in the hands of foreigners (mainly Scots). Between 1879 and 1913 the number of jute spindles rose tenfold — much faster than growth in the cotton textile industry. Most of the jute output was for export.

Coal mining, mainly in Bengal, was another industry which achieved significance. Its output,which by 1914 had reached 15.7 million tons, largely met the demands of the Indian railways.In 1911 the first Indian steel mill was built by the Tata Company at Jamshedpur in Bihar. TheIndian industry started 15 years later than in China, where the first mill was built at Hangyang in 1896.The first Japanese mill was built in 1898. In both China and Japan the first steel mills (and the first textile mills) were government enterprises.

Indian firms in industry, insurance and banking were given a boost from 1905 onwards by the swadeshi movement, which was a nationalist boycott of British goods in favour of Indian enterprise.During the First World War, lack of British imports strengthened the hold of Indian firms on the home markets for textiles and steel. After the war, under nationalist pressure, the government started to favour Indian enterprise in its purchase of stores and it agreed to create a tariff commission in 1921 which started raising tariffs for protective reasons.

Many of the most lucrative commercial, financial, business and plantation jobs in the modern sector were occupied by foreigners. Long after the East India Company’s legally enforced monopoly privileges were ended, the British continued to exercise effective dominance through their control of the banking sector39 and the system of “managing agencies”. These agencies, originally set up by former employees of the East India Company, were used both to manage industrial enterprise and to handle most of India’s international trade. They were closely linked with British banks, insurance and shipping companies. Managing agencies had a quasi–monopoly in access to capital,and they had interlocking directorships which gave them control over supplies and markets. They dominated the foreign markets in Asia. They had better access to government officials than did Indians. The agencies were in many ways able to take decisions favourable to their own interests rather than those of shareholders. They were paid commissions based on gross profits or total sales and were often agents for the raw materials used by the companies they managed. Thus the Indian capitalists who did emerge were highly dependent on British commercial capital and many sectors of industry were dominated by British firms, e.g. shipping, banking, insurance, coal, plantation crops and jute.

Indian industrial efficiency was hampered by the British administration’s neglect of technical education, and the reluctance of British firms and managing agencies to provide training or managerial experience to Indians. Even in the Bombay textile industry, where most of the capital was Indian, 28 per cent of the managerial and supervisory staff were British in 1925 (42 per cent in 1895) and the British component was even bigger in more complex industries. This naturally raised Indian production costs.At lower levels in the plant there was widespread use of jobbers for hiring workers and maintaining discipline and workers themselves were a completely unskilled group who had to bribe the jobbers to get and retain their jobs. There were also problems of race, language and caste distinctions between The Impact of Western Development on the Rest of the World management, supervisors and workers. The small size and very diversified output of the enterprises hindered efficiency. It is partly for these reasons (and the overvaluation of the currency) that Indian exports had difficulty in competing with Japan.

Friday, October 19, 2012

कल मैं रहूँ न रहूँ

कल मैं रहूँ न रहूँ

कुछ तुम न कहो , कुछ हम न कहें ,
रात कट जाये , आँखों ही आँखों में ।
होंठ भी न हिलें , आँख भी नम न हो ,
दर्द बढ़ जाये , बातों ही बातों में ।।

जो कहानी मेरी , ज़बां तेरी हो ,
शम्मा बुझने न पायेगी रातों में ।
मुझ को तुम न मिलो , तो कोई ग़म नहीं ,
पर भुलाना न हमको ,तुम ख्वाबों में ।।

कुछ तुम न कहो , कुछ हम न कहें   ................।।

राह चलना मगर ठोकरों ,से सजग ,
गिरके उठने न पाओगे ,राहों में ।
मौत से भागकर जायेंगे ,हम कहाँ ,
लेगी एक न एक न एक दिन, ये तो बाँहों में ।।

गलतियाँ गर करो , तो बस थोड़ी सी ही ,
दाग लगने न पाए ,दामन में ।
हौसला जब तेरा डगमगाने लगे ,
हौले से आजा , उसकी(भगवान) पनाहों में ।।     

कुछ तुम न कहो , कुछ हम न कहें   ................।।

साधना सच्ची हो , और लगन पक्की हो ,
तू ही तू होगा , सारी फिज़ाओं में ।
कल मैं रहूँ न रहूँ , इसका क्या है पता ,
गूंजेंगे मेरे नगमे ,हवाओं में ।।

कुछ तुम न कहो , कुछ हम न कहें ,
रात कट जाये , आँखों ही आँखों में ।

अरुण कुमार तिवारी 

Friday, October 12, 2012

एक चाणक्य की जरूरत है

"रोग को समझना और उपचार करना एक कला है "

परिस्थितिओं की वास्तविकता को समझे

1  कांग्रेस की निति और व्यव्हार दोनों देश को नस्ट करने पे उतारू है !

2  तथाकथित सेकुलर दल SP,BSP,JDU,TMC इत्यादी देश को तोड़ने और बाँटने में कार्यशील है !

3  मीडिया काफी हद तक बिक चुकी है !

4  नौकरशाही राजनेताओं और मीडिया की आड़ में मलाई खा रहे है !

5  न्यायालयों से काफी हद तक उम्मीद बंधी हैं पर दूध के धुले वे भी नहीं है !

जिन चंद हेरोस (Hero's) के इर्द गिर्द आम आदमी का विस्वाश घूम रहा है वो हैं डॉ सुब्रमनियन स्वामी, श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी, श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल,बाबा रामदेव और बीजेपी। और भी कई हैं पर मुख्यतः इन्ही के आस पास सब घूम रहा है!

इन सब की अपनी-अपनी फैन फोल्लोविंग (Fanfollowing) हैं , वैसे देश हित मैं फैन फोल्लोविंग जैसे शब्दों का उपयोग करना ठीक नहीं है पर वास्तविकता तो यही है!

जैसा ताकत के सिधांत के साथ होता है "वो बिना वज्रास्वा (Absolute Power) लिए नहीं मानता " वैसा ही कुछ निकट भविष्य में इनके बीच में शायद हो जायेगा !इनकी वज्रास्वा की लड़ाई कांग्रेस और गैर राष्ट्रहित दलों का फायदा और देश का नुक्सान ही करेगी! कांग्रेस से मेरी कोई जाती दुश्मनी नहीं है पर जो भी देश के अहित में काम करेगा उससे दुश्मनी स्वाभाविक है !

डॉ स्वामी की समस्या संगठन का कमज़ोर होना है ! वो एक ओने मेन आर्मी (One man army) हैं ! कभी कभी उनका व्यव्हार तानाशाहात्मक भी हो जाता है ! टीम केजरीवाल पे उनकी उनकी राय सभी जानते हैं !बीजेपी उन्हें अपना दुश्मन माने न माने पर पुरानी बातों को लेके एक दूरी ज़रूर बनी हुई है ! बीजेपी के एक दो लोगों को छोड़ कर ज्यदातर लोगों ने उनसे एक दूरी ज़रूर रही हुई है !

श्री मोदी एक ताकतवर नेता हैं ,और उन्होंने अपनी कार्यशैली से गुजरात और काफी हद तक बाकि देश वासिओं में अपनी एक छाप छोडी है ! पर उनकी एक समस्या शायद आप मुझ से सहमत न हों उनका तानाशाहात्मक रवैया भी है ! वैसे आज की स्थिति में वो ज़रूरी भी है !पर ऐसा व्यवहार अक्सर गैरों को कम अपनों को ज्यादा चोट पहुंचता है ! टीम केजरीवाल के प्रति उनकी कोई अच्छी राय नहीं है !

श्री केजरीवाल के अन्दर भी तानाशाहात्मक भाव हैं आप शायद मुझसे इत्तेफाक न रखें ! उन्हें ये समझना होगा की उनके उठने में कांग्रस का दिमागी खेल भी एक मुख्या कारन है (एक मात्र कारन नहीं ) ,कांग्रेस ये गेम विरोधिओं को तोड़ने के लिए कर रही है मीडिया इस खेल में उनका पूरा साथ दे रहा है ! क्यूंकि कांग्रेस का उद्देश्य विरोधिओं को तोडना है ! केजरीवाल को समझना होगा एक साथ कांग्रेस और बीजेपी का विरोध करना 18 से 30 साल के लोगों में आक्रोश तो भर सकता है पर नतीजे में एक कमज़ोर ओप्पोसितिओन (Opposition) ही मिलेगा देश को , जो किसी भी हाल में देश हित में नहीं होगा !उनका बीजेपी और डॉ स्वामी के प्रति विरोध भी जग जाहिर है !

बाबा रामदेव तो खुल के कांग्रेस विरोध में आ गए हैं पर तानाशाहात्मक रव्वाया उनका भी है !वे खुल के न तो बीजेपी के साथ आये हैं न ही कोई राजनितिक विकल्प दिया है ! उनकी भी साख पे कुछ धब्बे ज़रूर है !उनकी टीम केजरीवाल के प्रति नाराजगी सब जानते हैं !

बीजेपी,आप सोंच रहे होंगे मैंने नरेंदर मोदी और बीजेपी को अलग अलग क्यूँ किया पर वास्तविकता तो यही है !बीजेपी में दो गुट काम कर रहे हैं विद मोदी और एंटी मोदी !बीजेपी ने वैसे भी बेव्कूफिओं का ठेका सा ले रखा है !काफी हद तक पिछले 4 - 5 साल में बीजेपी (केंद्र)की नाकामयाबी ही बाकि लोगों के उठने का कारन है ! बीजेपी की भी केजरीवाल और डॉ स्वामी के प्रति खटाश जग जाहिर है !

इन सारी स्थितिओं में एक चाणक्य की जरूरत है जो इन विपरीत मानसिकता/व्यव्हार वाले लोगों को साथ ले कर चल सके ,जो इन सब लोगों को आत्ममंथन के लिया मजबूर करे और समझाए की वज्रास्व की लड़ाई में कंही वे देश का अहित न कर बैठें !

वो चाणक्य अन्ना हो सकते हैं ,अरुण शौरी हो सकते हैं,गोविन्दाचार्य हो सकते हैं , गुरुमूर्ति हो सकते हैं,यसवंत सिन्हा हो सकते हैं ,अटल जी हो सकते हैं,रसस(RSS) हो सकती है,या शायद वो नाम जिसके लिया आप मुझे गाली बकें "श्री आडवानी " हो सकते हैं !


अरुण कुमार तिवारी

Thursday, October 4, 2012

They have also made Century

They have also made Century 

Scams / Misdeeds from 2004 For which UPA will be remembered ,Please Don't Forget,Don't Forgive Them 

110 Unsecure Atmosphere for Womens
109 Beating Public at India Gate
108 Judge Banao Yojna
107 Planing to Break Ram Setu
106 Purposefully Torturing Pragya Ji
105 Sabotarging Image of IB in Ishrat Jahan Case
104 Misleading Citizens By Calling Saffron Terrorism Without Proof
103 Kedarnath Releaf Matirial LOOT
102 Fake Secularism
101 Khurshid Stealing Tricycle from Handicaps
100 Sonia Travel & Medical Bill
99  Black Money

1  Thorium
2  2G
3  Wakf Board Land Scam
4  Uttar Pradesh NRHM scam
5  Uttar Pradesh food grain scam
6  2012 Indian coal mining controversy
7  Maharashtra Irrigation Scam  
8  Kinetic Finance Limited Scam  
9  Ultra Mega Power Projects Scam 
10 IGI airport Scam - Central government lost 
11 Andhra Pradesh land scam 
12 Forex derivates scam - 
13 Service Tax and Central Excise Duty fraud - 
14 Maharashtra stamp duty scam - 
15 Maharashtra land scam
16 MHADA repair scam  
17 Highway scam 
18 Ministry of External Affairs gift scam
19 Flying Club fraud - 
20 Andhra Pradesh liquor scam
21 Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association scam
22 Jammu and Kashmir PHE scam
23 Jammu and Kashmir recruitment 
24 Jammu and Kashmir examgate
25 Jammu and Kashmir dental scam
26 NHPC cement scam
27 Haryana forest scam 
28 Girivan (Pune) land scam (not to be confused with Pune land scam which came to light during 2011)
29 Toilet scam
30 Uttar Pradesh stamp duty scam - 
31 Uttar Pradesh horticulture scam - 
32 Uttar Pradesh palm tree plantation scam - 
33 Uttar Pradesh seed scam - 
34 Uttar Pradesh elephant statue scam
35 Tax refund scam - 
36 Delhi surgical gloves procurement scam
37 Aadhar scam
38 BEML housing society scam
39 MSTC gold export scam
40 TIN scam
41 ISRO's S-band scam (also known as ISRO-Devas deal, the deal was later called off) - 
42 NTRO scam - 
43 KG Basin Oil scam
44 Goa mining scam
45 Pune housing scam
46 Pune land scam 
47 Orissa pulse scam - 
48 Kerala investment scam - 
49 Mumbai Sales Tax fraud - 
50 Maharashtra education scam - 
51 Maharashtra PDS scam
52 Uttar Pradesh TET scam
53 Uttar Pradesh MGNREGA scam
54 Orissa MGNREGA scam
55 Indian Air Force land scam
56 Tatra scam - 
57 BL Kashyap - EPFO scam - 
58 Assam Education scam
59 Stamp Paper scam (not to be confused with Abdul Karim Telgi's Stamp Paper scam) - 
60 Pune ULC scam
61 Port Scam
63 MGNERGA (Keral)
65 MGNERGA (Assam)
67 Mid Day Meal Scam
68 Radia Tape
69 AMS/Maderna/NDT
70 Adarsh Housing Society scam
71 Assam North Cachar Hills scam - 
72 Arunachal Pradesh PDS scam - 
73 LIC housing loan scam
74 Commonwealth Games scam
75 Andhra Pradesh Emmar scam - 
76 Indian Premier League scandal
77 MCI bribery scandal
78 Madhu Koda mining scam
79 Goa Special Economic Zone (SEZ) scam
80 Rice export scam - 
81 Orissa mining scam - 
82 Orissa paddy scam
83 Sukhna land scam - Darjeeling
84 Austral Coke scam - 
85 Cash for Vote Scandal
85 Hasan Ali black money controversy
86 The Satyam scam
87 State Bank of Saurashtra scam - 
88 Army ration pilferage scam - 
89 Haryana Teachers' recruitment scam
90 Paazee Forex scam - 
91 Kerala ice cream parlour sex scandal
92 Scorpene Deal scam
93 Uttar Pradesh ayurveda scam - 
94 Navy War Room Spy Scandal (related to Scorpene Deal Scam)
95 Taj Co-operative Group Housing Scheme scam - 
96 IPO scam 
97 Oil for food scam
98 Gegong Apang PDS scam