Thursday, September 12, 2013

No values or culture can remain alive unless it is not in practice

No values or culture can remain alive unless it is not in practice.

The reason for YOUR destruction/demise is YOURSELF.
The reason for OUR destruction/demise is OURSELF.

No values or culture can remain alive unless it is not in practice.

These are liars – the ones who say the reason for loss/destruction of their faith is due to the growth/raise of other faiths/cultures. Faith was yours, how can it be destroyed? And if your faith doesn’t have the support of TRUTH then it SHOULD FAIL.

Your path could be different, his path could be different – there can be many paths to reach the TRUTH. Thus it is incorrect to assume that those who are not on my path are on incorrect path.

“Ekam sat viprah bahuda vadanti” (hymn from the Rig Veda I.164.46)
One truth is told/expressed by the learned in many ways. Faiths/Traditions/Cultures can be paths, but NOT GOAL.

In between the practitioner (one who treads the path of spirituality) & practiced lies Sadhana (a means of accomplishing something or more specifically spiritual practice).

Sadhana is a path too. This can be different too. The followers of the same (single) culture can have different sadhana(s). So due to difference in Sadhana or by difference in traditions our cultures cannot be different.

Culture is the TRUE value of LIFE. Life has a principle/law/rule of which we are all followers. We have faith in Life, this is our belief (our faith), this is our culture. The one which has (is) deviated from TRUTH, that is not acceptable to us, this is our principle, this is our Law. And it is this culture which gives us different paths to get to the Lord.

There is no conflict between one path and another path as long as they are with the TRUTH. So, if somebody is on a different path from you – do not worry, do not be disturbed – keep your faith, respect your values and periodically assess them.

In the light of TRUTH see and examine your traditions and culture. As long as you protect the TRUTH, Culture will protect you – this is a simple aspect which can easily be understood.

Today, if you are feeling insecure – the reason is not external – it is within. When you leave the path of TRUTH which other way do you leave for yourself (is there an option for yourself?)? This is the reason for your destruction/demise and this is the reason for the destruction of the society.

Instead of accepting the challenge – you ingrain hatred, challenge others. If you have immense faith in the path and values of TRUTH – then show that by living it. Your action can be your history and you have a right to make your history.

If you are capable show that in action, show that in your life, provide examples, be an example – who has stopped you? TELL….. GO AHEAD….

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