Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Corrective Measures

The Corrective Measures

Their is an Ancient Proverb “It is Difficult to learn & more Difficult to Unlurn” All those dirt, false, distortion of history which has been poured into our head sometimes knowingly sometimes unknowingly, but definitely in a planned way earlier by Muslim Writers & So called intellectuals, Then By British & European writers, educationists & Historians, And finally by Communist Historian, writer, educationist & above all communist mentality Politicians.

I can debate on It, give facts & Figures (Which I will in some other Article),But today lets discuss about Correcting those Mistakes rather to be accurate deliberate Blunders, Lets Analyse what we all in our capacity & capability can do for it.

The views & suggestion are my own so in case I go wrong any ware please do correct me.

Lets first understand where the process of correction starts, Just an example According to Figure 47% of children's in India are Malnourished, So should from child, 47 % children's malnourished directly implies that 75% of women are malnourished which further means 75% of male are malnourished (As in India Parents will give major or Probably their full share of meal to their children's ,Which eventually means 99 % of bureaucratic & Political class are senseless, Planning commission is one good example of it.

So Idly we should start curing from top i.e Government & Governance levels. But again that is a Idle Situation, As far as current situation of Govt & bureaucrat's it would be not practically possible, as Morally they are too corrupt greedy & arrogant to acknowledge their misdeeds forget the cleaning part. As far as we the common peoples ,Killing Such Man eaters or make them eat grass is not practically possible.

So Practically the right cure would be to start from a Practical yet effective level, Lets start from own family level, Once the Common Persons are aware of their rights, their duty,their true & ancient truths,their ancient heritage, we make them love & respect the ancient value systems.

Once they start loving & respecting their self intelligence, their families ancient value systems. They will definitely pass that to their children's & in the process try to implement that to themselves ,Which will ultimately enhance their analyzing skill whether selecting Political candidate, selecting right education for their children, Adopting the right technology So on & So For…

In going for any big change one thing is to be remembered first clear yourself , while saying clear yourself I mean to say clear yourself from all dirt, mis-information/half true/false information, Acquire Knowledge from wherever u can get. Clear your Family,Your Kunba,Your Kutumb, Your locality they together will form a society. The True fact is that Only society makes a big change though initiated by single or group of individuals, So from Me To We is necessary for any major change.

Suggestion For doing That:-



 3 etc

I could have given my suggestion , which eventually I will that’s a promise. But I would like your (readers) involvement in it so I will be waiting for your suggestion on the same. Then I will compile those along with my suggestion .Remember Me To We is necessary for any major change

Thanks & Regards,
Arun Kumar Tiwari